
Urban exploration in Arkansas
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Joined: Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:41 pm
Location: North West Arkansas


Post by 87DieselMerc »

Finally took the time to take a trip out to Cushman Arkansas with a friend to check out the old quarries and limestone mines, I know there's a post from awhile back about the location but I figured id make an updated post about it with some pictures, we didn't make it to the limestone mines until night fall and its not a small place, there wasn't much to take pictures of outside and there is still active blasting operations going on in the area with signs threatening "24hr surveillance" even though its the middle of nowhere there's also a couple of surprises out there in the woods and quarries for those who do some extended exploring in the area like we did, anyway here's some pictures from the trip.
Cushman2.jpg (104.96 KiB) Viewed 3088 times
Cushmanquarry.jpg (123.42 KiB) Viewed 3088 times
finger cave.jpg
finger cave.jpg (57.05 KiB) Viewed 3088 times
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