Last night I dreamt...

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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by BROUSER »

I dreamed I was losing my hair and large pieces of my scalp were flaking off. At least a half dollar in size.
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by Willard »

I dreamed it was the due date for this 12 page repoart (not including the cover, title page, abstract, table of contents, index and reference page). I have it all bound and nicely printed up. I check it over before leaving the printers and it looks great, all content is in there, but when I get to class and get ready to had it in, all the pages inside are blank... I've had this dream the past two nights. Said report is due this comming Friday. Urgh, I hate school.
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RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by SubLunar »

I was in Afghanistan with some Marines. I wasn't one of them though, I was sneaking around and accidentally came across a big ol cemetery in the desert with a bunch of improperly buried corpses which all had long hair and beards that appeared to have been growing post-mortem. I seemed to disturb their rest by being there and it started getting spooky. There was a bit of a landslide and the corpses started piling up at the base of the tunnel I had crawled up to get there and I had to climb back over them on the way out.

Shit started to go down with some towel heads, so I took off back to the base. At this point, it was night time and I was trying to sleep. One of the marines came back and was blaring Jason Aldean in his over-done "redneck" truck. I immediately began giving him crap for listening to Jason Aldean, and being a poseur redneck, calling him gay and whatnot. But we didn't have time to fight each other because there was a battle going on. I wasn't a marine, so I didn't have access to their weapons so I had to pick from the confiscated weapons they had. I picked out a couple of SKS's and an AK47. I was fiddling around with removing a crappy scope off the SKS when I woke up.
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RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by SubLunar »

I was in the basement of an abandoned house. It was dark. I was watching tv. There was a spanish reality show on which was all live footage of the citizens fighting the government in guerrilla style warfare, through the streets, etc. Most of the power is not on in this house. There's a bunch of crap laying around but I don't know what any of it is.

I hear someone walking upstairs so I go up and find that it's the previous owner. He tells me that he's with the local militia and they're performing a sweep of the area. This was his house when it all went down. He goes on to tell me that he was in the basement using reserved generator power cooking a meal using an electric skillet. Something spooked his cat and it knocked the skillet into the bathtub which electrocuted the cat as well as his trusty old dog. He shines a flashlight down the stairs and reveals the mummified corpses of a cat and dog whose flesh had become fused to the couches/chairs they had been on, the same couches I was sitting on previously.

I walk outside and look around. I see what appeared to be a fairly devastated residential area. There is a group of militia types patrolling the area. I'm asked to leave, but I don't really know what's going on or how I got there. I'm told that some apocalypse event had gone down. The government, although severely crippled, was summarily executing all survivors. There were creepers about. People who were mentally deranged and contagious. There were also rival militias. This group was fairly large and were performing a scorched earth so as not to leave any supplies for their rivals.

I don't want to leave. I don't have anywhere else to go. The leader approaches me and wants to show me around. We approach his red Honda CR-X. It's littered with pizza boxes. He was apparently a pizza delivery guy before this all happened. We drive down the road and most of the structures are burned, burning or demolished. He explains to me that he's willing to take on extra fighters. But not just anyone. There's some people that don't deserve to be saved, people who can't save themselves. He points to a house through which I can see some asian women busy in their kitchen.

We go down to the industrial part of town. We approach a huge abandoned structure. This was the old steel factory. I thought it was a hospital. We enter the building. We go up a flight of rusty stairs and come out on a rickety metal grate floored porch. Up here we have a 360 view of the whole town. Destruction everywhere. He points to another giant building on the horizon. It's a burned out shell. He tells me that was the last hospital for miles. At this point, a creeper walks below us towards the building. He had his arms contorted about his chest, wearing nothing but ripped up boxers and a grimace on his face. Eyes were black. We see others approaching. We decide to leave.

We go back down to the car but it's gone. There's other cars down there and we look for a similar one. We found a nice red one with a sunroof. We try it and set off the alarm. This alerts all the creepers. Hurriedly, we scramble inside the car. The key works and we're off.

We make it back to the house. Much of his crew is no longer there. Go inside and find some people I know, my brother and some random strangers. Then the rival militia shows up. Some fat d-bag and his fat slob of a wife and their retarded friends. They were trying to boss us around. I learned that militia crew that I was with had left us. I told my brother "I don't like them. I want to make their brains drip from the ceiling". He nods approvingly at his guns against the wall. I wasn't aware we had any. So I quietly grab his rifle and load up some rounds. They're all sitting at a table in the other room making plans. I quietly raise the gun and...

I am rudely awoken by the sound of my computer restarting. Apparently my power went out for no reason in the middle of the night. Ruined one of the best dreams I've ever had.
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by Kit »

I had a dream last night that I was at a place eating late at night maybe 1-2 in the morning and the tornado sirens went off. I knew the weather was not bad so I checked my phone to see why the sirens were going off.. and it said that someone had not been reelected as mayor. I apparently was in ESTL and they expected riots. About that time people start throwing bottles at the building and some of which were hitting the people outside on the patio. It was pretty scary.
Kit wrote:I am old
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by GlassCurtain »

I had a couple of interesting dreams.

First one. My 2 friends, my girlfriend and I are sitting at a bar. My 2 friends challenged me and my girlfriend to a game of 2 on 2 in Call of Duty. We're discussing which map we should play, when this big dude comes up behind me and pulls me off my bar stool. He puts me in some sort of an arm lock. He hands me a necklace and a lighter and tells me to burn the necklace. From what I gathered he took the necklace from this nerdy dude from the table next to him and wants me to burn the necklace in front of him as a way of bullying him.

I refuse to burn the necklace. He says "Do it or I'll kick your ass." I tell him, "Do what you feel like you've got to, but I'm not burning the necklace". He still has me in an arm lock so with his free hand he punches me in the face pretty good. He pulls back to punch me again and I step up close to him. Grab his shirt with my free hand and headbutt the shit out of him. He drops to the floor knocked out.

I pick up the necklace and give it back to the nerdy guy. I take a seat back at the bar and ask my friends if they have decided on what map to play on Call of Duty. My friends start talking like nothing just happened. Like this happens all the time. My girlfriend was just staring at me. I turned to her and asked "What?". She says, "You're not going to talk about it?". I say, "There's nothing to talk about. It's taken care of.". And we return back to the conversation.
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by GlassCurtain »

The second one. I'm at some old government building that's still in use. I have a blue tooth ear piece that's connected to the rest of the members of my team. I'm casually walking through the building calling out security camera locations to my team. Like we're casing the place for a heist. But I'm not being discrete about what I'm doing. Building security eventually escorts me out of the building, which was all part of the plan. It was supposed to be some sort of distraction.

So I meet up with my team on the sidewalk in front of the building. We have our backs to the building and we are watching the road. Waiting for something to happen. All of a sudden this semi truck hauling 2 trailers loses control and rolls the truck onto its side. My team instantly springs into action. There are a bunch of large traffic cones in front of the building. We each grab 2 cones and block off the road in front and behind the wreck to make it look like we were officially supposed to be there. So the heist was the truck all along. We start unloading all this medicine and medical supplies.

While we're robbing the truck these two ladies come wandering up to us. Once they see the medicine they start acting really strange. One of the ladies is preggers. She grabs a medicine bottle and a syringe and shoots up right in front of us. We get pissed telling her she's going to fuck up her baby. She and her friend say that if she goes into withdrawals at this stage of pregnancy she is putting the baby at more of a risk.

And then I wake up. A damn lame ending.
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RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by SubLunar »

I was on a float trip with friends. The dream picked up the story as we were packing up and leaving. We were traveling in two cars down some back country road when we spotted a big abandoned house. We decided to stop and check it out.

There was a lot of clutter in the yard. One of us approached a large horizontal freezer and opened the door to discover a dismembered body.

At this time, a nasty looking fellow in overalls came outside with a shotgun in hand. My stupid friends stood there frozen, so I jumped in my car and took off as fast as possible.

I made it to some crappy convenience store down the road and tried to use their phone. My cell didn't get reception down where we had been. The phone connected only long enough to tell the 911 operator my name. It was cutting out and disconnected. I was starting to get really pissed off. I asked around and a customer told me that there's a Walmart about 13 kilometers in the opposite direction. At this point, I knew that timing was critical and that it would probably be too late if I went all the way there. I let everyone know that we discovered a dead body and the guy came out with a gun and to please contact police. I said that I had no choice but to go back and try to rescue my friends. I was asking for people to go with me.. then I woke up.
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by ropingk »

Nicotti wrote:I was at a park with long, fast, tall water slides made out of concrete.
ion the town of KeyStone by mt rushmore they use a ski lift to take you to the top of a 2000 foot water slide it is freaking awesome and FAST
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Re: RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by Nicotti »

SubLunar wrote:I was on a float trip with friends. The dream picked up the story as we were packing up and leaving. We were traveling in two cars down some back country road when we spotted a big abandoned house. We decided to stop and check it out.

There was a lot of clutter in the yard. One of us approached a large horizontal freezer and opened the door to discover a dismembered body.

At this time, a nasty looking fellow in overalls came outside with a shotgun in hand. My stupid friends stood there frozen, so I jumped in my car and took off as fast as possible.

I made it to some crappy convenience store down the road and tried to use their phone. My cell didn't get reception down where we had been. The phone connected only long enough to tell the 911 operator my name. It was cutting out and disconnected. I was starting to get really pissed off. I asked around and a customer told me that there's a Walmart about 13 kilometers in the opposite direction. At this point, I knew that timing was critical and that it would probably be too late if I went all the way there. I let everyone know that we discovered a dead body and the guy came out with a gun and to please contact police. I said that I had no choice but to go back and try to rescue my friends. I was asking for people to go with me.. then I woke up.
Yeah, thanks for driving off and leaving me there. ASS!
More online investigation than onsite exploration these days.

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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by redox »

I had a dream a cop wrote me a parking ticket. Then after putting it under the wiperblade, he set one of my tires on fire with a lighter.
White Rabbit wrote:Welcome back. Find some cool stuff and tell us about it :P
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by ropingk »

guess he was not in a good mood :shock:
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RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by SubLunar »

I was at my mom's house hanging out waiting for my friends to get there. Eventually they pulled up in a VW van and were already intoxicated. We were planning on going to a concert or some sort of party out in the country.

I found the least intoxicated one and requested they drive. I get in and they pull through the yard, so close to the house they almost took off the passenger door that hadn't been closed yet.

We're driving down long and windy roads through the country which became perilous on a cliff face next to a river. The driver isn't doing very well and eventually, we go flying off into the river. I'm the only one alert and so I begin rescuing those that I can from the sinking van. Eventually, the van turns into an old GI Joe personell transport vehicle and I'm picking rare and valuable old GI Joe figurines out of the river bank. I specifically remember pulling out a Serpentor and Cobra Commander figure.

Next, I'm sitting on the river bank with some of the people that I was on the trip with, but we're missing some people who presumably drowned. We're trying to find a way to contact someone for help, but all our cell phones are dead. From the distance, we see a small CAT frontloader coming down the road. He pulls up to where we were and starts repairing the barrier we crashed through. I was mad that he didn't try helping us first so I run up there and start yelling at him. he's a bearded dude in overalls and shaggy hair. He gets out of the frontloader and I jump in, face it at the river and ram the throttle up and jump out. It goes down into the water, but he's able to get into it and reverse it.

He agrees to take us to his place but he doesn't have phone service either, since the outbreak. Widespread outages everywhere. But he does have food and place for us to stay temporarily. We walk down the road with him and eventually get to his shack. It's an old run down farmhouse with junk everywhere outside. He has a microbrewery set in the hillside with these lines running down to the river. He's using the year-round cool temp of the river for fermenting his beer in absence of caves.

We are conversating and he hints that he was living there happily with his wife and things used to be much tidier, but since she passed, he's let stuff go, himself included.

At this point, it cuts back to the river. I'm now one of the missing persons from the van and I'm on a makeshift raft with two other people. We're stuck floating on this thing down the river with no means of controlling the vessel. We see a light coming down the river at us. It's some sort of drone and as it approaches us, it seems hostile so we all bail. We make it to the river bank just under a bridge. We all scurry up the bridge and the drone is no longer around. Once on the bridge, we are debating which way to go. We decide on going to the far end because it looks like there may be a clearing on the other side. As we cross, we encounter a herd of zombies. We fight a few of them but are quickly outnumbered. I smash several heads in using rocks. Blood and brains splattering everywhere. I am kind of enjoying it and decide to be more creative with the last few by impaling their heads on the spiky bridge railing.

We take off back over the bridge and go running down the road (unknowingly) in the direction of the bearded dude's house. We pass his microbrewery and get to his yard. He has a badass motocross track set up and there are 4-wheelers scattered about. Various people are riding on the track. At this point I'm like "fuck the zombies, let's do this!" So I get on and immediately do a backflip off the side of a berm. Impressed with my mad skillz, the bearded guy challenges me to a race. The race ensues and I wake up.

My dreams are so awesome!
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RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by Rosie Cheeks »

Last night I dreamt that I was working...
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by BROUSER »

I dreamed that when people die, as they walk into the light they are given a pill and a glass of tomato juice to drink. I died, but I didn't swallow the pill or drink the tomato juice. On the other side of the light, everyone walked around in graduation caps and gowns in a large building. There were choices on what to do. There was an option to help serve refreshments, or to play video games, or to just sit up in the rafters and talk, or to play baseball. Everyone else seemed content with these options. Since I didn't take the pill, I wasn't. I chose to try to escape. I left the grounds of the building, but a man chased me through the streets. He was much faster than me, but he was unable to walk on asphalt and was limited to sidewalks and grass, so I was able to stay ahead of him. I darted across a street and into a drainage ditch, following it to a pipe of fairly large diameter. He was soon right behind me. I woke up, heart pounding.
“An all-out attack on evolutionist thinking is possibly the only real hope our nations have of rescuing themselves from an inevitable social and moral catastrophe.”
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