Fantasy World Village

Urban exploration in Springfield, Missouri
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Fantasy World Village

Post by The Horse »

I've lived in the area for a decade and I've always wanted to know more about this building. Starts with a castle, then a saloon, then some other things, and ends with a pirate ship on the side farthest from 65. Gotta be worth checking out, right?

Coordinates: 36.7565339, -93.2235581

Google Maps calls it the Branson Christian Academy. I found an article explaining that it was converted from the derelict "Fantasy World Village" to the now-defunct school, but the Internet Archive only has the front page of the school's website and I've yet to find anything else about the place.

Anyone know more about it, or, even better, been inside? There's a decent set of photos on Flickr, but they're a little safe. What's inside? I need dirt!

I'm curious about the church near Grand and Campbell, too. The one that was almost a Walmart but continues to sit empty and tempt me with its presumably junkie-filled corridors.
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by jammer_smith »

I've explored that before. Down the deep draw immediately to the north are some old overgrown walkways and concrete chutes, almost like mini-golf but not quite. When I looked in one of the open windows it look like someone was using it as an office.

The location clearly isn't "abandoned" just not in regular or consistent use I think.
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by The Horse »

Good to know.

I drove past recently and it looked as empty as it always does. Thinking of visiting, but I want to be as prepared as I can.
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by PCD_MAN »

The "village" is now home to The Creation Ministry Of The Ozarks. The main building houses the museum tour. Unfortunately, the pirate ship in desperate need of repair.

The land surrounding the buildings include a stream and perhaps a cave (on the trail leading from the pirate ship).

There are plans to erect a huge monument of a cross on the hill behind the buildings. This "cross" will be like the St. Louis Arch, allowing people to go inside and view the surrounding landscape.
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by Kit »

New Covenant Academy was in the basement of that church back in the late 80s.
Kit wrote:I am old
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RE: Fantasy World Village

Post by SubLunar »

We believe that God ... created the entire universe in six literal 24-hour days approximately 6,000 years ago as recorded in Genesis 1:1—31 and Exodus 20:9—11.


Holy shit, this has generated almost half a million dollars?

How does erecting a giant cross put money to a good use? Why not use that money to feed starving children or something that's actually going to make a difference?
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Re: RE: Fantasy World Village

Post by Nicotti »

SubLunar wrote:Holy shit, this has generated almost half a million dollars?

How does erecting a giant cross put money to a good use? Why not use that money to feed starving children or something that's actually going to make a difference?
Maybe they've been taking advice from the Mormons.
More online investigation than onsite exploration these days.

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Re: RE: Fantasy World Village

Post by paul06660 »

SubLunar wrote:
We believe that God ... created the entire universe in six literal 24-hour days approximately 6,000 years ago as recorded in Genesis 1:1—31 and Exodus 20:9—11.


Holy shit, this has generated almost half a million dollars?

How does erecting a giant cross put money to a good use? Why not use that money to feed starving children or something that's actually going to make a difference?
Having come from a Pentecostal family, I can attest to the fact there is a large body that believes in the 24 hour, 6 day creation philosophy. Of course, when you present scientific evidence that proves the real age of the Earth, you will always be given a response sort of like "well maybe god put those things there during the creation". Furthermore, any attempt to explain creationism through the process of evolution is always met with claims of allegory, followed by accusations that you are the devil trying to undermine their faith. Happened to me several times.
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by BROUSER »

Biblical literalism is a relatively new development. For 4,000 years, biblical scholars understood that many if not most of the stories in the bible were allegory or metaphor. Then in the 18th century some idiot rebelled against the scientific revolution and said, "This shit is for realz." Idiots have been believing it ever since.
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by archinstl »

PCD_MAN wrote: There are plans to erect a huge monument of a cross on the hill behind the buildings. This "cross" will be like the St. Louis Arch, allowing people to go inside and view the surrounding landscape.
If my numbers come in on Powerball next week, I plan on buying up two adjaent mountains and erecting a 200-foot tall Star of David and a 200-foot tall Crescent and Star, both of which will be illuminated at night.
And - the Yin and Yang symbol will be a 200-foot plaque attached to the carved-out side of yet another mountain.
Yes, I will!

Do you think I can get the City Council of Branson to issue the building permits... :wink: :?: :wink:
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Re: RE: Fantasy World Village

Post by RedRook »

SubLunar wrote:
We believe that God ... created the entire universe in six literal 24-hour days approximately 6,000 years ago as recorded in Genesis 1:1—31 and Exodus 20:9—11.


Holy shit, this has generated almost half a million dollars?

How does erecting a giant cross put money to a good use? Why not use that money to feed starving children or something that's actually going to make a difference?
What good does food do little atheists if they are soon to be tortured forever in the fiery depths of hell, also known as Branson.

I'm thinking of starting a kickstarter to erect this 200 ft. tall. ... us-statue/

It won't just spread the good news about Jesus, it will memorialize the example our infallible law set with this young heretic.
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by ropingk »

1. We believe in the triune Godhead; one God expressed in the Persons of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
2. We believe that God is transcendent, and as such created the entire universe in six literal 24-hour days approximately 6,000 years ago as recorded in Genesis 1:1—31 and Exodus 20:9—11.

3. We believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans created by God in His image, but that they failed to obey God in the Garden of Eden and from this disobedience sin and death entered the world. As descendants of our first parents all of humanity stands guilty as sinners before God (Romans 3:23; 5:12; 8:22; 1 Corinthians 15:21).

4. We believe that the Eternal Word and Son of God Jesus Christ came into this world by being born of a virgin to identify with humanity, and did so for the purpose of being the once-for-all sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and salvation for all who will believe (John 3:16).

5. We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried, but on the third day rose in triumphal resurrection and victory over death (1 Corinthians 15:20).

6. We believe the 66 books of the Bible are the written and divinely inspired Word of God, and that they form a united whole. Therefore, they are the final word of authority on all matters of faith and practice. The Bible in its entirety is totally accurate regarding every subject it deals with, whether spiritual, moral, historical, or matters related to present-day science (2 Timothy 3:16).

7. We believe that the Holy Spirit of God draws, convinces, convicts, and enables sinners to repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, thus bestowing the gift of salvation and eternal life (John 6:23,44; 16:8).

8. We believe the Holy Spirit is given to each believer to teach, lead, strengthen in the faith, and equip for fruitfulness in the work of the kingdom of God (Acts 1:8; Romans 8:26).

9. We believe Satan is a real personage who works in opposition to God and mankind, but that he is to be eternally doomed to the lake of fire with those angels who follow him—including all who have neglected or refused to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior (Revelation 20:10).

10. We believe that the Book of Genesis is of great significance in that it lays the foundation for the understanding of origins, the purpose for mankind’s existence, and specifically for the doctrines of the Christian Church.

Im sure this will seem odd But short of the 6-- 24 hour days I agree on the six day just not the 24 hours in each day.
this is the exact same belief that our church holds as the standard
and while im sure many will not agree I think its good that some one will at least take a stand and not try to beat around the bush and when asked did God actually create the world they give you a kind of of sort of of well maybe im pretty sure of Oh My don't ask if Santan is real they seemed to want to believe in a Heaven where all is good and fun but don't ever tell them there may be a litral HELL where there is no plea barging and if you are sent there you go there no matter how rich you are or who you may know
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RE: Fantasy World Village

Post by SubLunar »

I think most rational people are fine with other people believing that god created the world in x amount of time. Why is that acceptable? Because we can't prove otherwise. If you believe he created the world in 6 literal days or 6 millennia represented as days for the sake of being concise, that's cool with me.

As for the earth being only 6,000 years old? Sorry but no. Way too much evidence to show otherwise. Anyone who thinks that, let alone teaches others that, is a nut and deserves ridicule.

Humans are limited by sense perceptions therefore there will always be things beyond our understanding. We cannot prove or disprove deity therefore we cannot claim it doesn't exist without sounding equally nutty. Take the saying: "There is no god". So you claim to know everything then, huh? Must be nice.

I can accept that the Bible(/other religious text) is a book of allegories mixed with truth. If an all powerful God really tried to contact us, he/she/it couldn't really explain how he did things at his level, he'd have to dumb it down for us right? Right. Otherwise the Bible wouldn't make any sense, especially considering that science didn't really exist back then so explaining things that are basic scientific fact today would have seemed complicated to them. The bible would have ended up like a complicated science book that no-one could remotely comprehend. So the stories of, say Genesis and Adam and Eve, are probably (assuming God is real and actually had someone transcribe it) just an allegory simplified to explain the big bang and human evolution in one easy to understand story. When you cease taking religious writings literally, they can meld with and complement science because one cannot disprove the other and it can fill in the gaps of knowledge we may never acquire, such as how the big bang came to happen.

Not that I want to get on a lengthy discourse on theology, I just came here to laugh at the nutters trying to build a big cross. I bet the project will bankrupt in 5 years time and this place will be explorable then.
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by ropingk »

I agree Sub the project will likely never got off the ground like the Pyramid in ST James cool idea and all that but when you put a hit out on your wife well ugly things usually follow

Odd I think he had over 25 million invested in the compound most of that or a big part was in the big pyrmid
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by Nicotti »

Every time a church says #6 from that list, I immediately wonder what translation they are referring to.

Cause when you start digging into it, it's not the case that the bible started as one complete book that God has kept translated correctly all these years, but more likely He's used people who do Biblical Criticism to keep the intent of the book true and relevant all this time.
More online investigation than onsite exploration these days.

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