Saint Mary's Infirmary

Urban exploration in St. Louis, Missouri
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Saint Mary's Infirmary

Post by Hopscotch »

Myself and DotWhy went to the old SMI on Friday, expecting it to be something like city hospital (pre renovation of course) with a zillion hobos living inside..there weren't-probably bc it's a bit difficult to get in. well, we only found one way, through a mini jungle, then a) over a ten ft chain link fence with barbed wire or b) scaling a crumbling wall. i'm thinking of going back soon to scope out more entrances (we never made it to the rear on account of the effing jungle, and it being hot as hell)
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RE: Saint Mary's Infirmary

Post by zmuh11 »

Keep looking for another easier way in, maybe there is one, maybe there isn't? :wink:
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RE: Saint Mary's Infirmary

Post by Hopscotch »

thanks for the hopeful suggestion; we're going back sometime this week during the day (DotWhy heard tell from some folks that it's better during the day anyway.)
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Re: Saint Mary

Post by ropingk »

well there is usally less darkness during the day :lol:
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RE: Saint Mary's Infirmary

Post by memory_machine »

Please make sure you have a least a couple of males with you. The place is a bum motel.
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RE: Saint Mary's Infirmary

Post by Blade Runner »

Yeah my buddy and I came across a dismantled toilet with fresh shit in it, and a hobo conversation occuring in the next room...we didn't have anything to use as a peace offering (like a 40 or some smokes) so we decided it was better to come back later.

try the alley between the infirmary and that ghetto ass store for a way in...
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Re: Saint Mary

Post by Chris »

Be careful up top, squishy is not an adjective one should ever need to associate with wooden floors! :wink:
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RE: Saint Mary's Infirmary

Post by lzrturbo91 »

i honestly wouldent really worry about bums - they arent like something out of 28 days later or anything they are generally nice people and the ones that arent just want to be left alone - i have been working with "bums" in the st.louis city for a little while now especially in the train tunnel by greyhound - some places are dangerous and it is best to have a weapon but first nothing you can go to jail over and nothing that looks like your there looking for a fight - i mean be caryful but at the same time they aren't out to get you next time your out talk to one see how they are and if you plan on going back sometime ask them if you can bring them anything next time your down there alot of them wont belive you but if you show up again with whatever they asked for like food or water is a big one for now cause its hot outside - but they will tell you about all kinds of places around st.louis and things of that nature - but like i said be caryful and protect your self but talk to them let them know what your doing and if they think your the police dont say your not but dont say that you are - and if you go to my train tunnel tell them robinhood said hi
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Re: Saint Mary

Post by Hopscotch »

thanks for all the tips folks..though i still dont think males are an absolute neccesity to bring to SMI :)..and DotWhy's day job consists of a vast clientele of bums, which makes some situations a lot easier(i think it's sad that people are so scared of bums, like lzrturbo91 said, they aren't out of 28 days later or NOTLD. not that you shouldnt always be cautious though) . as for this alley/ghetto-ass store entrance, i didn't even see a store of any kind nearby. like i said, guess i have to go back during the day.
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RE: Saint Mary's Infirmary

Post by lzrturbo91 »

just be caryful - james and are what i would call caryful.... just ask him about the raid on the oh and the attack dogs are helpful to bring if you go out at night and im not talking about the family lab....
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Re: Saint Mary

Post by Jamesw »

HAHA the rizt...

Here is the attack dog

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RE: Saint Mary's Infirmary

Post by Hopscotch »

so, raid on the tell. nice pooch btw.
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Re: Saint Mary

Post by Jamesw »

Well we went into a tunnel type thing (it has been referred to as the mole hole). We went during the day one afternoon and met a guy named stanley who is homeless. He was a great help for us and a super nice guy. So I came home and went through all my clothes and gave him what I do not wear anymore, and 3 other people did the same. So we went back that night to take them to Stanley.

After talking with Stanley for a bit we found a camp/bunk these two guys had made up under the bridge just under some supports. Well going back at night we decided to take lzturbo's dog Lacey. Who is a pitbull and the mother of the dog in the picture I posted. Well we walk up this dirt hill to see they have a light on. We kept asking them to come out and no reply so out of pure pleasure we just said we were going to send the dog in...Yes lame I know but very funny at the time. When we said that they popped out in about 30 seconds. So we talked with the two guys (wayne and sparky) for about an hour. During this time we offered to bring them some stuff down there too. However they both declined our offer in a very rude way.

So a day or two goes by and we return to the tunnel. We had brought more clothing and food with us, and had plans to give it to Stanley. Well it turns out Stanley was not home. So we started up the hill to find Wayne and Sparky. Well when we got up the hill they were watching T.V. Yes they are homeless and watching T.V actually Friends to be exact. So after trying them to come out so we could give them the goodies we brought they started yelling at us. So Jason and I were offended that two homeless guys are to good to take our stuff. After all we were only trying to help out the less fortunate. So that night we gave our goodies to come crack heads that were sleeping in there for first time.

So we went back on Saturday night. Well to our surprise Wayne and Sparky were not home. Come to find out Wayne was in the hospital and Sparky was put into a nut house. So Earl (the diabetic) had taken over there camp (the ritz). So we finally woke Earl up and got him to come out and talk to us. Earl decided he was going to walk down and talk to reese (a homeless woman that lives down there). So when he did that everyone went with him but me. So I decided to go in a check out the Ritz.
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RE: Saint Mary's Infirmary

Post by nannerlh » were offended they didn't want your hospitality? After not responding to your insistence that they come out, then threatening to send your dog in after them? How low does your ego have to be to take offense that a homeless person has rebuffed your 'friendly' advances?

I applaud your efforts to help those less fortunate, what I question is a: your understanding of some of the people you're going to be dealing with in certain UE situations and b: this sense of 'needing' to help someone who has told you either overtly ("Fuck off!") or covertly (not responding at all) they don't want your help. In those situations, take your 'goodies' and give them to "Stanley" or anyone else who does want them.

In over a decade of working with the mentally ill, I learned a lot of things - here's some shared wisdom, whether you want it or not... :lol:

While I believe that the majority of homeless people you'll encounter during UE will be perfectly civil and conversational (these folks weren't always homeless) you WILL find a number of people who can't be reliably counted upon for 'sane' social interaction because, they often have no money for their medications - our brilliantly thought-out and planned government policies have resulted in a recycling of the mentally ill - keep them a few weeks, till' they start having positive reactions to the meds they're supposed to be on, then boot them out only to have them ranting and roaming the streets in short order.

The men you describe don't sound like they were 'ungrateful' - it sounds like they're mentally ill, and rightly pissed after you imposed upon their turf in the poor, pitiful surroundings they're trying to survive in. They aren't there for your or anyone else's amusement nor do they exist for the purpose of gratifying someone's need to be 'generous'.

If you're dealing with schizophrenia, borderline personality disorders, psychosis and/or any number of other illnesses, you're lucky you didn't get a Shlitz Shiv (busted beer bottle) across your face or worse. Then you'll have the added sense of outrage of being physically injured by someone you were 'just trying to help'.

My point? DON'T ASSUME SANE BEHAVIOR FROM SOMEONE WHO ISN'T! ---and--- If you're going to go places where there's a fair chance of running into a person who isn't on their meds...lather, rinse, repeat. To put it more simply, using the old adage..."If it walks like a duck...."

It's a fine thing that you share so generously - I'm not knocking that AT ALL - but don't always expect the homeless to be wanting or needing your help. Some are actually offended at the prospect. I'm not saying don't offer - but be aware that there are hazards in dealing with people suffering from mental disorders.

Whereof I speak? A long history of working with the mentally ill and presently (and for nearly the past decade) in law enforcement support.

More food for thought:

"Travels With Lisbeth - Three Years on the Road and On the Streets" Lars Eighner

And no, I won't sic my dog on you. I think too much of my dog. You're right, that really was "Pretty lame" and not at all behavior consistent with true generosity.
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Re: Saint Mary

Post by Hopscotch »

DotWhy and I just returned from SMI a few hours ago, and it was nothing short of amazing-the stair case was beautiful, and the view from the roof decent, considering its STL.. Definetly some homeless activity and live ins, but none were home while we were there. We ended up finding three entrances, all fairly easy to get in once you found them..once again, thanks for the tips :o oh yes, if you're interested in seeing pics, I'll be posting some on uer tomorrow.
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