Conspiracy theories?

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Re: Conspiracy theories?

Post by BROUSER »

So I'm flipping channels this morning, and for some reason I stop on one of the elect-Jesus-for-President stations. They did explain why Mormons aren't Christians for me. Joseph Smith, before being killed in Carthage Jail in Illinois, stated that God wasn't eternal. If God isn't eternal then that kills the whole Judeo-Christian ideal; therefore, Mormons aren't Christian. I'm not hatin' on Mormons as individuals. I've known some very nice Mormons. In fact, without stereotyping, I'd say Mormons on a one-to-one basis in general are very pleasant people. But as a group? They're nuckin' futs.
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Re: Conspiracy theories?

Post by Nicotti »

Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that makes Mormonism not Christianity. I've been studying their beliefs for a couple of years now. They like to call themselves Christian cause, A. It's good for getting converts, and B. most of them aren't aware just how different Mormonisms beliefs are from those in Christianity.

It's like they took all the characters from the bible and wrote a new and different story.

Like God is called "Heavenly Father" and there is a "Heavenly Mother" and everyone including Jesus and Satan are literal spirit children of them. So we are literally brothers and sisters of Christ (and Satan) and if you are good in the preexistance then you are born into good mormon families. But if you aren't then you're born into families with strife. And before 1978 they taught that if you weren't very good at all in the preexistance you could be born cursed with brown or black skin. But if you then followed Mormonism perfectly your skin would become "white and delightsome." But they don't really say that much any more. The higher ups are big on revising less liked pieces of church history and doctrine.

I really could go on and on.
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Re: Conspiracy theories?

Post by Nicotti »

And in general Mormons themselves are nice, although I've met some supposed "good" Mormons that are not at all nice.
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RE: Conspiracy theories?

Post by SubLunar »

haha, wow. What a bunch of whacky nutbaggery. I've always despised mormonism.
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Re: Conspiracy theories?

Post by BROUSER »

Nicotti wrote: But they don't really say that much any more. The higher ups are big on revising less liked pieces of church history and doctrine.
Nothing more convenient than a Choose-your-own-adventure religion. Of course, traditional Christians do the same. Was browsing around and came across this passage of the Bible: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 1 Corinthians 14:34
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Re: Conspiracy theories?

Post by Nicotti »

Not saying you're wrong, but considering the textual criticism over the KJV, I'd go with quoting the NIV or a better version for a better translation to English.
NIV wrote:34 Women[a] should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.

a.1 Corinthians 14:34 Or peace. As in all the congregations of the Lord’s people, 34 women
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Re: Conspiracy theories?

Post by BROUSER »

I selected the KJV because I've come across a lot of Fundies who swear up and down the KJV is the word of God as handed down to the original scribes and requires a literal translation (completely ignoring the history of the translation and the various versions of the bible that were cast aside in favor for the ones used for the KJV and all current modern bibles). I looked into the various other interpretations of the passage and the meaning of that passage, and I saw a lot of back-pedaling and justification. So those same people that stand by the biblical passages on homosexuality, birth-control, etc. are unable to soften their views on those issues but have justified the change of stance on this passage from earlier practices and I saw hypocrisy. I'm not a Jesus hatin', angry atheist. I see the place for and even the need for religion in society, but I'm still not a big fan of persecution, hypocrisy, and a basic inability in people to reflect on the nature and practice of their beliefs.
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Re: Conspiracy theories?

Post by Nicotti »

Yeah, I struggle with Holier than thou Christians that follow Christ until it's inconvientent for them.
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RE: Conspiracy theories?

Post by s.sisco »

Yea Iam not a fan either. We should all go back to praising the sun and just be people. Least the sun is real and deserves it. The pastor of my grandfather's church took it over when I was about 7 he fired everyone that worked thr him his wife and kids started doing all the jobs and made 2 mill in one year from that and the offering plate. Church is nothing but a money making business now. It's disgusting of course they will change thr beliefs so so you will put more money in the plate.
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Re: Conspiracy theories?

Post by Nicotti »

I'm sure you are familiar with the textual critism for that verse also, Brouser, but I'll post it for those that may not be.

And I will also mention that Chp 14 deals with the apostle Paul's adivse to the church in Corinth (around 53 to 57 AD) on how to deal with people speaking in tongues during service. I hate when assumptions are made about the Bible when verses aren't taken in context. I'm not saying you did that Brouser, I'm refering to other people that would read the verses here and make a judgement about what is being said without bothering to look up the context.
Wikipedia 1st Corinthians entry wrote:However, two passages may have been inserted at a later stage. The first passage is 1 Cor 11:2–16 dealing with praying and prophesying with head covering. The second passage is 1 Cor 14:34–35 which has been hotly debated. Part of the reason for doubt is that in some manuscripts, the verses come at the end of the chapter instead of at its present location. Furthermore, Paul is here appealing to the law which is uncharacteristic of him. Lastly, the verses come into conflict with 11:5 where women are described as praying and prophesying.
Last edited by Nicotti on Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: RE: Conspiracy theories?

Post by Nicotti »

s.sisco wrote:Church is nothing but a money making business now. It's disgusting of course they will change thr beliefs so so you will put more money in the plate.
I disagree. I don't think the greed of a small group can be used as an indicator of the whole. Especially when the 'whole' is something as diverse as "religion" or "church".
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RE: Conspiracy theories?

Post by s.sisco »

I'm not saying that thr are no good Christians or Mormons etc. (Sorry sometimes I do come off as an asshole.) Half my family are southern Baptist and the other half are Jehovah's witness and I love them (most of them) to death I was just using my story as ananother example of the hypocrisy involved with it and why I agree with what brouser was hitting at. Thr are countless reasons I don't agree with religion as a whole but it's not worth my time to explain here nor would it matter.
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Re: Conspiracy theories?

Post by redox »

How are Mormons any sillier than other folk who talk to omnipotent beings?
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RE: Conspiracy theories?

Post by armyof142 »

It is not a Mock Site, I used serve at Fort Chaffee, and the Star of David is Old and made of Stone and sits over a abandoned Diamond Mine.. You can find talk about the Star if you look hard enough in News Papers printed in the 1890's, It was mentioned by Judge Parker in his Diary, and is why many of the old timers called Arkansas God's Country... After WWII German POWs as part of Operation Paper Clip Dated the Star to Be around 2,500 years old... The Runway was there before the Wright Brothers invented a Plane and is very possible it is just as old as the Star, the Bulls eye you point to, is a laid out depiction of the Milky Way.. If you look South of the Star to were Paladins are Located they are sitting on a carving dug into the Ground, just like the Lines in South America, the Symbol matches the Symbol used in India for a Vimana.
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Re: Conspiracy theories?

Post by Nicotti »

Are you posting with a shotgun?
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